Monday, September 8, 2008

Essay Response to Christopher Columbus

While reading the passage on Christopher Columbus and the journals that he wrote, it seemed to me that Columbus was starting to have a mental breakdown during his fourth voyage. My reason for this simply comes from word choice, tone, and the use of pathos. Let me give you more information to how I came to this conclusion.
The uses of word choice helped me to understand that Columbus was struggling and having a mental breakdown. As he wrote he used words like: punishment, losses, infringed, robbed, suffered, unmerited, wrong, ruined, weep, trouble, and death. These words are words that describe something or some in pain mentally and physically. I believe that Columbus chose to use these types of words so we can feel the pain that he felt and also the hurt that he felt. He was a prisoner that was stripped away from all his rights and these words were the only way to express how he felt.
The tone of the passage also lead me to believe that Columbus was having a mental breakdown, because most of the tone of the passage was a tone of remorse and anger.
For example when he says, " I am ruined as I have said; hitherto I have wept for others; now Heaven have mercy upon me, and may the earth weep for me." The tone in this paragraph shows a tone of remorse and sadness, because he knows that he is in trouble and yet he hopes that God will have mercy on him be it good or bad. I believe Columbus used tone so that his readers, Ferdinand and Isabella, can feel and understand his pain.
The use of pathos also helped me come to the conclusion that Columbus was struggling and having a mental breakdown. When Columbus says, " Here in the Indies I have become careless of the prescribed forms of religion. Alone in my trouble, sick, in daily expectation of death, and encompassed about by a million savages, full of cruelty and foes, and so separated from holy Sacraments of Holy Church, my soul will be forgotten if it here leaves my body. Weep for me, whoever has charity, truth, and justice." He's using pathos, because he wants Ferdinand and Isabella to fell all the things that he fells and he wants them to fell bad for him. He's appealing his emotions to both Ferdinand and Isabella.
All and all, I believe that Christopher Columbus was struggling and having a mental breakdown on his fourth voyage, because of his word choice, tone, and the use of pathos.

1 comment:

mbrown8625 said...

see comments 34, 20, and 25 please