Monday, October 27, 2008


The character I choose to analyze is Shia LaBeouf's character. He was a kid who lost his father in a car accident; and began to act out. He got put on house arrest for punching his teacher for talking about his dad. While on house arrest he catches a murder who just so happens to be his next door neighbor. The visual and auditory details for this character is the way he speaks and looks. Shia's character is a regular teen that speaks like a regular teen. Its easy to relate to and understand him, because we're teens as well. He looks and dresses like a typical teen as well. We can relate to the way he acts. We can be nosy and stick our heads in stuff that doesn't concern us. We can be over protective with our family and friends, and we all have foolish friends that you can count on. All those things is what makes a character realistic.

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