Sunday, November 23, 2008

Homework 2 page Lit-Response

Booker T. Washington, author of " The Awakening of the Negro," wrote an autobiography about how important education is to blacks. But the education was not helping blacks to become smarter, but it was educating blacks to do work to make them a better slave. I have to say that I don't agree with Washington's school and teaching. It doesn't help slaves to break away from being mistreated and their own person.
Washington believed that if a slave continued to do well with their job and cause no problems with his or her master, they would get rewarded later on in life. I don't exactly agree with that; if a slave continues to do well and cause no problems with their masters, they're masters are going to believe that they like their job and don't mind doing it for the rest of their lives. Their masters are going to think if they're not fighting me about it, then they have no problems with it.
Washington views on not fighting just deal, bothers me as well. If slaves would have listened to him, we probaly still be slaves now. Not fighting would have made white men and women believe that the way they treated slaves was right. That they were are owners and we were their property. Not fighting would have made slaves more fearful and scared, that they would never stand up for their rights and what they believe in.
Washington's belief that white men would finally realize the good work that they done, would eventually lead to their freedom; was so wrong. It was wrong of Washington to trust that their owners would do something like that. Their owners would never ever think about letting their slaves go free, because who would do the work. Letting their slaves go means losing money, because their will be no one working on the plantation and no one tending to the owners every single second.
All and all, I don't agree with Washington's idea of becoming a good slave, will eventually lead to your freedom.

1 comment:

mbrown8625 said...

too short and extremely vague!!! you can do better than this. 4/9