Sunday, November 16, 2008

Annotated Bibliograhies

Annotated Bibliographies

Australian Job Search. ( 2001). Occupation Information: Film, Television, Radio and Stage
Directors. Retrieved November 13, 2008, from

Australian Job Search is a great informational website even though it's international, it
gives us information about the film industry outside of the United States. Though the
skills and conditions are the same as other directoring jobs, wages and pay are
different. In Australia the occupation size as an director is nine- thousand, in the
United States it's almost double that amount. The Australian Job Search also gives us
an international outlook on the weekly earnings of a director which is $1,265 an hour.
Tasks of directors are the same for all countries they have to: study scripts to
determine theme and setting, oversight creative aspects of film, television, radio or
stage production, and assess stageing requirements for productions in assocition with
specialists designers. Australia Job Search also gives information about the skills and
knowledge needed to become a director like: having a bachelor degree or higher
qualification and at least five years of relevant experience. Australian Job Search is a
great website for finding out international information about the career of your dreams
just in case you want to go out of the states.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Departmentof Labor ( 2004). Career Overview: Acting,
Producing and Directing Career, Job and Employment Information. Retrieved November
13, 2008, from

Career Overview is infomational site that gives you a great understanding of what it
takes to be an director, actor, and producer. Career Overview gives us information on
the outlook of each career, the qualifications, opportunities, and earnings. Career
Overview also describes a directord's role which includes: making creative decisions,
interpreting scripts, expressing ideas to designers of sets and costumes, auditioning
and choosing cast members. Directors also cue the actors when they need to enter
or technicians when they need to change lights or sounds on set. Career Overview
describes the training and job qualifications needed to become a director like: Active
listening, good judgement, health and safety awareness, entusiasm and drive. The
middle fifty percent in between $15,320 and $53,320. The lowest ten percent earned
lower than $13,330, while the highest ten percent earned higher than $106,360 some
even make millinos; are the amounts that a director earns throughout the year.
Career Overview is a great website for finding accurate information about the career of
your choice.

Bureau of Labor Statisitics Office of Occupational Statisitics and Employment Projections.
(2007). Occupational Outlook Handboo, 2008-09 Edition: Actors, Producers, and
Directors. Retrieved November 13, 2008, from

This site gives infomation about the career of your interest. It gives you information
about: the nature of the work, training, other qualifications, and advancement,
employment, job outlook, and earings. This site gives information about what directors
are resposible for in their field of industry, for example: Directors are responsible for
the creative decisions of a production. They interpret scripts, audition and select cast
members, conduct rehearsals, and direct the work of cast and crew. They approve the
design elements of a production, including the sets, costumes, choreography, and
music. Assistant directors cue the performers and technicians, telling them when to
make entrances or light, sound, or set changes. Most directors often start out as
actors. Many also have formal training in directing. The Directors Guild of America and
the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers jointly sponsor the Assistant
Directors Training Program. To be accepted to this highly competitive program, an
individual must have either a bachelor’s or associate degree or 2 years of experience
and must complete a written exam and other assessments. Program graduates are
eligible to become a member of the Directors Guild and typically find employment as a
second assistant director. This site is educational in finding out what your career is
actually about and what it takes to get there.

Careerkids,LLC. ( 2007-2008). Career Kids: Directors. Retrieved November 13, 2008, from

Career Kids is a great informational website if you want quick sumarry to what your
particular career is about. Career Kids gives you: the description, working condition,
salary, helpful skills and subjects to study, related jobs, education and training, and
job outlook of that career. For instance, the description of a director is, " Directors
interpret plays or scripts. They manage the actors, crew, sound designers, costume
designers, carpenters and everyone involved with putting together a show. They use
their knowledge of acting, voice and movement to achieve the best possible show.
Directors usually approve any music, costumes, scenery and choreography. They
may work on television, movies and plays." Career Kids also tells you helpful skill and
subjects needed like: Courses in theater, arts, drama, dance and dramatic literature.
Career Kids describes the working conditions of a director, which are long and
irregular hours and frequent travel. Career Kids lets you know even though the
employment of directors is expected to grow faster than the average for all
occupations, there will be keen competition for director positions. The glamor of the
job combined with the lack of formal entry requirements, will attract many people to
this occupation. Career Kids is great site to get interesting and understandable
information about your career.

Career One Stop. (2008). Occupation Profile: Producers and Directors: Illinois. Retrieved
November 13, 2008, from

The site Career One Stop was created to give not only students, but adults information
about the career that they wish to pursue in life. For me it gave me information about
being a director, because that's the career I would love to have and be in. When I went
to the site, it gave me tons of information about directing and what I need to do in able
to become a director like: the occupation description, the wages, skills, education
level, knowledge, abilities, and work conditions.This site also gives you the top
schools for your career. My top schools for directing are: Columbia University,
UCLA, University of Southern California. Career One Stop also tells you how many
people are in that job industry in your state and how much they get paid. The highest
amount a director gets paid in the state of Illinois is $57.91 an hour. If you feel like
you know nothing about the career that your interested in. This site offers
outstanding information about the career of your dreams.

College, Inc. ( 2008). Career Information: Actors, Producers, and Directors.
Retrieved November 13, 2008, from

College is a site that gives you information about any career of your
interest. The site gives you information about the: nature of the work, working
conditions, training, qualifications, advancements, employment job outlook, and
earnings. This site explains what a director actually does, their responsibilities, and
the skills and knowledge needed. It even tells to how stressful and hard the job can
get. The site gives information on how many directors are hired over the years and how
much they make. The site even explains how hard it is to become a director, because
the industry is so tough to get into. This site is so helpful, because it gives you so
much knowledge about stuff you didn't know about your career and inspires you to the
point where you want to get a jump start on your career at that very moment.

Minnesota Department of Education. (2008). Career: Producers and Directors. Retrieved
November 13, 2008, from

The site gives a great overview of the careers of both producers and directors. It also
gives: the work activities, skills and abilities, preparation, wages, and jobs. The site
gives you information on the tasks of a director like: decide on the size, cost, and
content of a production, arrange financing, conduct rehearsals, direct the work of the
cast and crew, and audition and select cast members. This site also gives
information about a typical work setting; for example: communicate with others by
telephone, e-mail, and face-to-face discussions, they also write letters and memos,
but prefer quicker means of contact, often work indoors, but sometimes direct outdoor
scenes or plays, may work part time or full time, and schedules may change
depending on the project. This site also shares information about the preparations
needed; for instance: have a high school diploma or GED, be trained, have creative
ability, have experience working in theater, film, and television, and have talent. This
website is a good website, because it gives you important information about that

My Future. (2007). Occupation Information: Film, Stage, and Television Director. Retrieved
November 13, 2008, from

My Furture is a great site that gives information about becoming a director. It gives
you information about the: duties and tasks, personal requirements, related
industries, and earnings. The duties of a director are to: study scripts to determine
artistic interpretation, plan and arrange for set designs, costumes, sound effects and
lighting, select and cast for roles in the production by viewing performances and
conducting screen tests and auditions, plan, direct and coordinate filming or taping,
instructing camera operators on the position and the angle of their shots, and
coordinating changes in lighting and sound, and coordinate the activities of the
studio/stage crew, performers and technicians during rehearsals and productions. My
Future also gives you information about personal requirments needed, for example: an
artistic sense, good communication skills, able to remain calm under pressure, able
to exercise authority, and the most important one of all motivation. My Furure is a
great site, because it gives you information about the skills and duties that are
required in order to become a director.

Net Industries. (2008). Directors Job Descriptions and Career and Job Opportunities.
Retrieved November 13, 2008, from

This site gives infomation about the career of your interest. It gives you information
about: the definition, the nature of the work, education and training, getting the job,
advancement possibilities and employment outlook, and working condition. Occurding
to this website the definition to director is, " The main creative force in the making of
films, television shows, and plays." Directors are responsible for making a wide range
of artistic decisions. Together with the producer, the director hires the actors and staff.
It is the director who works with the staff from day to day. This site also gives you
information about education and training. Did you know, there are no formal
educational requirements for directors. However, directors must be familiar with all the
different aspects of their art form. Many of the technical skills involved are now being
taught in college courses. There are many film schools in the United States that offer
classroom training and directing opportunities for aspiring directors. Working condition
are also stressful; directors do not work a regular workweek. During the making of a
movie, a film director may begin work in the early hours of the morning and work late
into the night. Television directors may start even earlier. The work is strenuous and
requires a great deal of time and dedication. Directors may be unemployed for long
periods. However, the opening of a play or the completion of a film or television show
can offer a great deal of satisfaction. This website is a great, because it is
understandable and gives many facts about your career.

PlanIT Plus. ( 2008). Director: Film and TV. Retrieved November 13, 2008, from

PlanIT Plus is a great site if your looking for information about a career that interests
you.PlanIT Plus gives you information about: the work that you'll be doing, the
conditions, getting in, what it takes, training, getting on, in pay about the career of
your choice. It gives you information about the skills needed to become a director like;
enthusiasm, financial sense, and good organization. PlanIT Plus tells you what it
takes to get into that particular career, for instance;in order to become a director you
need a degree and production experience. PlanIT Plus also helped me realize that
most directors start off as runners, which are the understudies or assistants to the
director, but others start off making short independent films. PlanIT Plus is an
amazing website that gives you a great understanding and outlook about the career
of your dreams, as it did for me.

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